Airports: Scientific Benefits And Advancements For A Brighter Future

how a more airports beneficial scientifically

Airports are crucial to the global economy, with a significant impact on productivity, growth, and development. They are key to the tourism industry, attracting visitors and providing access to various destinations. Airports also play a vital role in the global supply chain, facilitating efficient logistics and promoting economic activities. However, airports have been associated with adverse environmental impacts, including air and noise pollution, and contributing to climate change. The construction of airports can alter local weather patterns and drainage systems, leading to increased flooding and erosion. Nevertheless, there is a growing trend of airports adopting renewable energy sources, such as solar power, to mitigate their environmental footprint. Airports are also catalysts for job creation, offering diverse employment opportunities and supporting local communities. The aviation sector is increasingly embracing the challenge of contributing to poverty reduction and promoting inclusive growth.

Characteristics Values
Economic growth Airports have a positive effect on local economic development, particularly in cities with a strong industrial foundation and resource endowments.
Employment Airports are major employers and can provide growth opportunities for communities, including those lacking traditional educational advantages.
Tourism Airports are catalysts for tourism growth, increasing accessibility to tourist destinations.
Trade Airports are key to a country's national and international trade relations, boosting trade opportunities in emerging countries.
Sustainability Airports can improve sustainability by transitioning to renewable energy, investing in energy efficiency, and promoting the use of electric vehicles.
Health and Wellbeing Airports can improve health and wellbeing impacts by reducing air pollution, light pollution, and toxic substances, as well as adopting indoor air quality monitoring.
Community Engagement Airports can undertake projects that cater to their communities' main sources of revenue, offering training and supporting local businesses.
Education Airports can serve as hubs for local skills, offering apprenticeships, and collaborating with educational institutions.


Airports can be catalysts for tourism growth, attracting visitors and boosting local economies

Airports are essential for local economies, impacting productivity, growth, and economic development. They are major employers, providing jobs not only within their terminals but also in the wider community. Research shows that for every million passengers, airports can create 2,000 to 4,000 jobs in various roles, from pilots and air traffic controllers to ground crews, security personnel, office staff, maintenance teams, and retail workers.

The presence of an airport benefits passengers directly and boosts development and prosperity in various sectors, amplifying the overall economy. They are also crucial in the global supply chain, especially for time-sensitive and high-value goods, and their role in facilitating efficient logistics and supply chain management directly impacts the productivity and competitiveness of various industries.

Airports are key to the growth of tourism, attracting visitors and providing an initial experience of the destination that shapes their entire trip. They are also promotional platforms for tourism, advertising local attractions, culture, and services through signage, brochures, digital displays, and information centres. Well-developed airports boost tourism by attracting more airlines and routes, leading to increased competition and lower airfares, making it easier and more appealing for people to travel.

Additionally, airports can support local communities by undertaking projects that cater to their main sources of revenue. For example, the Marsical Sucre International Airport in Quito, Ecuador, has a programme that integrates small agricultural producers and supports internal commercialisation in the community, along with providing training in various practices. Airports can also contribute to sustainability efforts, with a growing number installing solar photovoltaic arrays to offset their electricity use, and exploring the use of alternative energy sources to accommodate the energy demands of electric aircraft.

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Airports create jobs, both directly and indirectly, with a diverse workforce

Airports are a source of employment for millions of people worldwide, with the aviation industry directly employing over ten million people. They create jobs both directly and indirectly, fostering economic growth and development. The construction and operation of airports require a diverse range of skills and professionals, from engineers and IT specialists to customer service agents and agricultural producers.

Airports create jobs directly by employing individuals to work within the airport premises and its various functions. This includes roles such as airport operations staff, passenger-facing workers, security personnel, check-in agents, and ground handling staff. With advancements in technology, the required skill sets are also evolving. For instance, airport operations staff will need engineering, digital, cybersecurity, and IT skills to manage the integration of AI, machine learning, and automation in airport processes.

Additionally, airports indirectly generate numerous jobs in related industries and the surrounding communities. For instance, the cut flower industry in Kenya, which is heavily reliant on air transportation for exports, generates more than 100,000 jobs annually, contributing significantly to the local economy. Airports also catalyze tourism growth, creating jobs in the hospitality, transportation, and entertainment sectors.

The establishment of new airports can have a positive effect on local economic development, particularly in small and medium-sized cities. Airports improve comprehensive transportation capacity, making these cities more accessible to businesses and tourists. This, in turn, can attract investments and foster the growth of various industries, creating jobs in diverse sectors.

Furthermore, airports can undertake community development projects that provide income opportunities for locals. For example, the Nuestra Huerta (Our Garden) program at the Marsical Sucre International Airport in Quito, Ecuador, integrates small agricultural producers into the airport's supply chain and provides them with training in agricultural practices, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Such initiatives not only create jobs but also contribute to the social and economic well-being of the community.


Airports can help reduce poverty, especially in underdeveloped communities

Airports can play a crucial role in reducing poverty, especially in underdeveloped communities. Firstly, the aviation sector is a significant source of employment, directly employing over ten million people worldwide and supporting numerous jobs in the supply chain and tourism sectors. This creates economic growth opportunities and improves the income of individuals and families, helping to alleviate poverty.

Secondly, airports facilitate trade and tourism, which are vital for the economic development of underdeveloped communities and countries. For example, the Caribbean region owes much of its popularity and revenue to aviation, with over 90% of visitors arriving by plane. Airports provide connectivity, enabling developing countries to engage in international trade and attract tourists, resulting in increased economic activity and job creation in the surrounding communities.

Additionally, the presence of an airport can lead to the development of "airport cities," a term described by ACI World director Angela Gittens. These airport cities open up various business opportunities targeting the local communities they serve. The construction of airports and the subsequent development of infrastructure can attract investments and businesses, creating a cycle of economic growth and poverty reduction.

Furthermore, airports can contribute to poverty reduction by providing access to essential resources that support a healthy quality of life. These resources include stable housing, healthy foods, and improved safety. Airports can also enhance educational opportunities by making it easier for students to travel and access educational institutions, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty caused by limited access to education.

While the aviation industry has faced criticism for its large carbon footprint, organizations like the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are committed to initiatives supporting poverty reduction. These include developing a Global Air Transport Plan to foster an economically viable civil aviation system and facilitating access to financial resources for connectivity and infrastructure projects. By addressing the dichotomy of serving both the wealthy and those in poverty, the aviation industry can play a significant role in reducing poverty, especially in underdeveloped communities.


Airports can change local weather patterns, leading to more flooding and erosion

The construction of airports has been known to alter local weather patterns. Airports often flatten out large areas, making them more susceptible to fog. They also tend to replace natural vegetation with pavement, which can change drainage patterns in agricultural areas. This leads to an increased risk of flooding, run-off, and erosion in the surrounding areas.

The impact of airports on local weather patterns can have significant consequences, especially in low-lying or coastal regions. For instance, LaGuardia International Airport in New York City was severely affected by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The storm surges overwhelmed the airport's protective berm wall system, resulting in the flooding of the airfield and a three-day closure.

Sea-level rise, driven by global warming and the expansion of ocean water, further exacerbates the vulnerability of airports to flooding. According to research published in the journal Climate Risk Management, up to 20% of all air routes could be disrupted by rising sea levels. This includes major airports such as LaGuardia, Key West International, and Philadelphia International, which are at risk of frequent flooding due to even a one-foot increase in sea level.

To mitigate the impacts of changing weather patterns and rising sea levels, some airports have implemented adaptation measures. For example, Kansai Airport in Japan features a rainwater drainage system, seawalls, and a "cutoff wall" to prevent groundwater level rise after high tides. Similarly, the proposed Britannia Airport will be protected by a belt of seawalls and a raised perimeter to safeguard against flooding.

While these adaptations can help harden airports against extreme weather events, it is important to recognize that even the best-laid plans might not always be sufficient. For instance, Typhoon Haiyan caused significant damage to Tacloban's Daniel Z. Romualdez Airport in the Philippines, creating challenges for relief efforts. As extreme weather events become more frequent and intense due to climate change, airports will need to continue adapting to new weather patterns to ensure resilience and maintain operational efficiency.


Airports can improve air quality and reduce health risks through sustainable initiatives

Airports are hubs of travel and trade, contributing significantly to economic development and the welfare of populations. However, they also face challenges in maintaining good air quality and mitigating health risks. To address these issues, airports can, and increasingly do, adopt sustainable initiatives that bring numerous benefits.

One key way airports can improve air quality is by reducing emissions. Aircraft today emit fewer harmful substances than in the past, with new aircraft emitting 50% less carbon monoxide and 90% less smoke and unburned hydrocarbons than those made 50 years ago. Airports play a role in this by providing fixed electrical ground power and pre-conditioned air supplies at terminal gates, further reducing aircraft emissions. Additionally, airports are modernising power plants and ground equipment and replacing diesel and petrol vehicles with those using alternative fuels, such as electricity and compressed natural gas.

Airports also work with local authorities to introduce measures that reduce road traffic and improve traffic flow, thereby reducing emissions from cars, trucks, and other ground vehicles, which can be a significant source of local air pollution. This includes improving public transport infrastructure, such as rail, trams, and buses, to encourage greener methods of transport to and from the airport.

To reduce health risks, airports have implemented various measures, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) supports member states in putting in place event management and preparedness plans, as well as facilitating the implementation of appropriate measures to respond to public health risks, such as COVID-19, Ebola, and the international spread of diseases. This includes guidance on cleaning, disinfection, and sanitation to ensure the safety of travellers and staff.

Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States has programs such as the Noise Compatibility Program and the Voluntary Airport Low Emissions (VALE) Program, which help airports integrate sustainability into their planning. The FAA also provides grants to eligible airports to develop comprehensive sustainability planning documents, including initiatives to reduce environmental impacts and increase community integration. These initiatives demonstrate the growing trend of airports adopting sustainable practices to improve air quality and reduce health risks.

Frequently asked questions

Airports are essential for local economies, impacting productivity, growth, and economic development. They create jobs, increase incomes, and contribute to a country's or region's prosperity. Research shows that for every million passengers, airports can create 2,000 to 4,000 jobs.

Airports are crucial for the tourism industry as flying is the main mode of international travel. They attract visitors by providing good facilities, reasonable prices, and easy access to various places. Airports also serve as promotional platforms for tourism, advertising local attractions, culture, and services.

Well-connected airport networks facilitate collaboration between companies worldwide. Access to a broader range of markets encourages companies to invest more in research and development due to increased potential for future sales.

Airports have a significant local environmental impact. They are major sources of air pollution, noise pollution, and other environmental issues. Airports also contribute to climate change, particularly through aircraft emissions, which have been linked to premature deaths globally. Additionally, the construction of airports can alter local weather patterns and drainage systems, leading to increased flooding and erosion.

Airports are exploring ways to improve sustainability, such as installing solar photovoltaic arrays to offset electricity use. The world's first airport fully powered by solar energy is located in Kochi, India. Airports are also preparing for the introduction of electric aircraft by investigating alternative energy production methods.

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